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Resources: Submit record

This form should be submitted for all remote tutoring sessions. 

In-person tutors can also use this form if they prefer not to fill out a hard copy.

Resources: Past trainings

This Google Drive contains all types of resources to help you with your tutoring. 

Stay up to date with the latest Siena tutor news!

Resources: Online trainings
Resources: Reading materials

Burlington English Resources

Getting Started Student Checklist: Show your student how to access Burlington English from their phone or laptop. 


In-Class Lessons: How to use in-class lessons in your tutoring session with your student. 


Student Lessons: Show your student how to access student lessons. 


Citizenship Lessons: A guide to which Burlington English lessons cover aspects of U.S. citizenship

Online Trainings


Our membership in ProLiteracy gives us access to two online tutor trainings. We now require all tutors to take one of these trainings:


  • Basic Literacy Tutor Training Online Workshop

  • ESL Tutor Training Online Workshop


Each workshop is made up of 12 or 13 modules that take about an hour each to complete. The modules end with a brief test, and you will earn a certificate of completion for each modules with a score of 80% or higher.


ProLiteracy also gives us access to member forums where you can post to message boards and interact with other Siena Literacy Center tutors.


To access ProLiteracy resources, you will need to create an account





If you're interested in additional training, there are also great FREE courses available through LINCS. To access, you just need to create an account. LINCS offers courses for adult educators in the following categories: 


  • Career Pathways

  • Disabilities and Equitable Outcomes

  • English Language Acquisition

  • Integrating Technology

  • Science

  • Teaching and Learning





Siena Literacy Center is an official Northstar testing and training location. Northstar provides a range of digital literacy training including:


  • Basic computer skills

  • Using the Internet and email

  • Microsoft Office and Google Docs

  • Career search skills 

  • And more


The trainings can be used to improve digital literacy skills for either tutors or learners. 

To try out Northstar: 

1. Go to 

2. Enter your name to get started without a learner account. 

3. Try taking the assessments. 


Training modules are available to accompany the assessments, and users can earn certificates for completing them. If you think Northstar would be a good fit for you or your learner, contact Rod to get an account. 

Reading Materials

We have added some helpful tutoring guides published by New Readers Press to our collection:



The tutoring guidebooks will stay in the reading room if you'd like to look at them. 

Online Tutoring Resources



  • Read Theory: Original passages and comprehension questions in grade levels 1-12; teachers create accounts for students who will take an assessment to receive level-appropriate passages; weekly printable assessments available for all levels.

  • ReadWorks: Curriculum-based articles and lesson plans complete with accompanying worksheets and activities.

  • Read Write Think: Curriculum-based articles and lesson plans complete with accompanying worksheets and activities.



  • ESL Cyber Listening Lab: Provides listening activities by topic in three levels; includes comprehension quizzes at the end of recordings

  • USA Learns: Helps beginning and intermediate level students learn English online through engaging videos and educational activities that includes life skills and daily life in the U.S.; can be used independently or with support of instructor

  • engVid: Grammar lessons for learners at all levels with videos and accompanying activities.

  • Quizzes, tests, exercises and puzzles for the English Language Learner with bilingual options

  • LEO Network: Teacher and student pronunciation resource with visual tongue, teeth and mouth placements.

  • 5 Minute English: Quick grammar and pronunciation guide for educators.

  • Expanding collection of ESL games, activities, and printables for the adult learner.

Current Events


  • Breaking News English: Current event news articles from elementary to advanced levels with accompanying lessons, quizzes and listening activities.

  • News in Levels: News articles available in three levels with accompanying audio recording.

  • Newsela: Current event news articles, famous speeches, biographies and primary sources available in grade levels 2-12 with comprehension quizzes. 

  • The Times in Plain English: Adapted current event news articles from various newspapers for English language learners/ stories have a link to the original source.



  • GCF Instruction on essential skills for the 21st century ranging from email and reading to math and more, integrating videos, games and lessons for students of all levels; bilingual options available.

  • This Day in History: Daily articles on historical events organized by category.

  • Learn and teach typing for free; includes grading and classroom management for teachers and multi-grade typing curriculum

  • Kahoot!: Platform to create fun learning games in minutes with a series of multiple choice questions that are then played in the classroom; students answer questions on their own devices.

Phone Apps:


  • A comprehensive dictionary with audio features.

  • Duolingo: Learn a language through mini-lessons that teach reading, writing, and speaking skills.

  • Google Translate: Instant camera translation and handwriting options in addition to conventional translation.

  • Quizlet: Digital flashcards – create your own vocabulary sets or use sets made by other learners; also desktop and tablet options for games and practice activities.

  • Remind: Free text messaging app that helps teachers and students communicate quickly and efficiently; send real- time messages or schedule reminders ahead of time.

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